Benson Mediation, Arbitration, Workplace Investigation

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"He who laughs, lasts." –Mary Pettibone Pool

Although the movie titled The End came out 42 years ago, this scene with Dom DeLuise and Burt Reynolds stayed with me. And after a recent online mediation, it came back to me. I saw myself on the screen of my laptop in one of my favorite shirt and tie combinations; what was not visible was the fact that I was also wearing jeans and a pair of Crocs. Good that we don’t mediate standing up.
I hope you, your families and friends are weathering this difficult time with a manageable level of anxiety and worry and some moments of laughter.

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It took a global pandemic to show us that face-to-face interaction with our clients, peers, family, and others can be conducted easily, with great humanity, and effectiveness. In fact, telemediation has rocketed from a nicety to a necessity quite literally overnight. Online Mediation can make the logistics of mediation simpler. If getting together is made easier in the first place, there will be more time to actually mediate and fewer obstacles to scheduling a second session, if needed. Time pressure and the reluctance to get together again because of cost (both time and money) are often the cause of impasses. Learn more about my online mediation services here.